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Writer's pictureFamily of God Ministries

The Master Craftsman

In the original greek Jesus was described as "tekton" which means one who works with his hands. Tekton is meant to describe a builder, carpenter, mason; a craftsman.

During the month of February 2022, Holy Spirit has been leading Family of God Ministries through another wonderful labor of Gods love. Helping our neighbors is an integral part of revealing Christ Jesus. It is the teachings and great love of Jesus that is raising up new "tektons." Family of God continually leans on Holy Spirit to reveal each step of Gods path. As Holy Spirit leads His Rough Riding Disciples we are being grown in many ways. One of these ways is in building and construction.

Throughout construction and finally the completion of the latrine for Mamma Lurdis many came to see and inquire. As each came the answers to questions received were not answers expected. They were told of Jesus and His great love for all people. Upon the completion of this small place of safety glory to God was given freely. During the dedication ceremony hands were raised high in thanksgiving and praise of Him that is more than able.

Tekton by definition teaches we are to work with our hands.

Throughout 2021 God had been building and constructing His family house. Throughout this process He has been teaching and growing His rough riders to be tektons, "those that work with the hands." As he leads so we follow, learning from the Master Craftsman. All Gods children are the workmanship of His Hands. These processes are His labor of love for us and within us.

This is not to say we have not had our struggles. With Jesus as our teacher Family of God is learning and growing much. Seeds of hope are being sown and watered by Holy Spirit.

Mozambique is a dry, hot land full of sand. In this arid land of hopelessness Christ Jesus is revealing Himself as the overcomer, the way maker and our Master Craftsman. After many long months of carrying 20 liter containers of water day in and day out, Lord Jesus made a new way.

October 2021, God made a way for Family of God Ministries to be able to drill a 40meter (130ft) well at the family house God is building for and through His Rough Riding Disciples. This well brings within our grasp much needed water! Water that is cool and clean for drinking, for bathing and for cooking. But more than the physical, Gods well is watering the seeds of hope being sown by Christ Jesus. What a miracle of God water truly is. God is using this water to bring life and life abundant!

Agriculture and Farming is another way Family of God Ministries is using hands in action to reveal Christ Jesus. Over the years Family of God has struggled to grow and produce vegetables. Now with the new well hope seeds are sprouting and beginning to grow.

As these new seeds of hope and of land begin to sprout and grow so Family of God must grow. One of these ways is being good stewards of all God gives. Following the leading of Holy Spirit is the way Family of God lives life everyday. Into the new the Lord once again leads. Stewardship is a profound new way of life for people that are coming into the light of Christ.

As we prayed and sought Jesus for His plans for 2022, we began to see visions of abundance of life. If water waters the seeds of hope to bring life abundant, then watering the small gardens of the farm must also bring life and life abundant.

Holy Spirit reveals His designs for "Gravity Irrigation."

Now in the bush (wilderness) of Mitilani and even in all our surrounding areas and villages, irrigation is not something that can be imaginedi. Where there has only been survival then there is not the vision of how imagine or entertain even a dream. Irrigation is new, it has not been known before. Survival is the way of the defeated past and life is the way of His new abundance.

Family Drip Irrigation System
Family Drip Irrigation System

Following the promptings of Holy Spirit in faith and trust February 17, 2022 Family of God Ministries placed an order for a 5000 sq meter gravity fed drip irrigation system from S. Africa. This system is called the "Family Drip System."

This system is without a holding tank so again we follow the promptings of Holy Spirit. in preparation Family of God

New water tank for Irrigation system
New water tank for Irrigation system

purchased a 5,000 liter water holding tank specifically for the irrigation system water feeds.

Now please realize Family of God Ministries is completely dependent up the finances God provides. He does this through our precious partners and your donations. As God leads you to give so He leads Family of God Ministries to be good stewards of all He provides. Together we are the workmanship of His Hands.

The active work of Gods heart and hands never stops. Always going forward making a way where there is no way. As we seek Him first He is always faithful.

Day of Prayer and Fasting 2-23-2022
Day of Prayer and Fasting 2-23-2022

Through prayer and fasting Holy Spirit is revealing the next step of this great adventure; Build a water tower to raise high His water holding tank.

Beginning next next week, the first week of March 2022, Family of God rough riders will begin the construction of this tower. It is to be 5 meters (16.5 feet) high. Lord has given the dimensions. He designed it in such a way that after the completion of the tower we will be able to construct a well house at the base of the tower to provide a protected and safe place for the generator and equipment now being stored within the family house. God is so good all the time.

Gods timing is always perfect. The irrigation system is scheduled to arrive the 3rd week of March. The company Master Technician "Johann" is not only delivering the system he will stay, set up and train Gods Rough Riding Disciple Team.

The land is being prepared in new ways of farming. This is again something new Holy Spirit is planting within us. Due to the long irrigation pipes from the irrigation system (each line is 12.5 meters or 41feet in length) the new farm areas will be very long with a seedlings planted one on each side of each drip outlet/emitter. This new way of farming will enable us to more than triple our growing capacity on the same amount of land. The FDS (family drip system) will also enable us to cut our water consumption by more than half.

Family of God Ministries is being stretched with new on every side. Holy Spirit is faithfully revealing the bounty of the harvest. He is faithfully preparing Family of God Rough Riding Disciples to embrace and teach those that are being seeded with His Spirit. We are purchasing additional bibles as we are in process of seeking His will for additional community outreach services as well as additional praise and worship services. With our eyes upward and seeking Jesus first Family of God Ministries is truly humbled and excited to be a part of Gods Great Adventure.


I ask that you stand with us and fight the good fight being bolder and stronger

than ever before.

The Time of the Lord is at Hand and I believe He has brought you along side for such a Time as This
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