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A bit of Mozambique History:
I was born in 1964, the same year the Mozambican revolution for emancipation began against Portugal. The ongoing depravity of nightly village burning and raids, the killing and murder of everyone found prompted the US sponsored revolution. Mozambique was finally emancipated in 1975, after 400 years of occupation and rule of Portugal. This is the same amount of time the Israelite's were enslaved by Egypt. I was only 11 years old, but in Mozambique a child of my age would have been enveloped by the ravages of homelessness, starvation, poverty, hopelessness and war.
What Portugal left in their wake I will always be trying to realize. What war, violence and death has birthed is a spirit hopelessness. Mozambique became a nation of orphans knowing only desperation and fear. The children that managed to live through the raids now had a new challenge. They were left with no parents, no family, no one to care or love them.
Due to lack of leadership and divide in 1977, only two years after the "War of Independence," the newly emancipated Mozambique plummeted into civil war. The civil war did not officially end until 1992. But in fact, there are still active rebels and ISIS terrorists inciting conflicts today.
When Lack of value and worth for human life is perpetuated, oppression, hate and slavery is all that can remain. Where can Hope live? Where can future dare to dream?
This is this Gap in which I have been given the honor to step and this lost generation has found it's way into my heart. If God is truly our Father in Heaven, then it is in this place of hopelessness that I have seen His Love and Heart for all mankind.
Family of God Ministries, by design, is being formed to bring hope to the hopeless. We are making a difference by bridging the gaps between childhood and adulthood giving our youth and young adults a safe place to find themselves and helping them grow into the righteous Men and Women of integrity and honor that we ALL need as our leaders for tomorrow.
Through praying and worshiping together, sharing meals together, providing a safe place of acceptance without judgments, listening to the longings of the broken hearted and allowing God access to do the healing, Family of God Ministries, is a bridge from hopelessness and brokenness into a place of Hope where each can learn to embrace the possibilities of a future. We are helping to forge a future full of possibilities and real changes that glorify God.
Family of God Ministries gives opportunities for those we serve to learn practical skills: i.e. Communication and language development: Reading, speaking and writing the national language of Portuguese and the international language of English. We are introducing math skills, basic cooking, sewing, building and construction, brick making, mechanical and other practical skills, farming, and other foundational life skills. Family of God Ministries is also active in the lives and families of those around us, introducing value of life, integrity training, honor building, as well as basics such as hygiene, self care, practical parenting and team concepts.
We are actively building up individuals so that as they are made whole, spirit, soul, body and mind. In turn, each is excited to go forth and help others around them, forming endless ripples in a worldwide pond.
By building up our broken youth and young adults of today, we are giving a place for Hope to Grow for a bright future for all of our tomorrows.
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