Michelle Morrell
President and Co-Founder with Christ
Our Founder
Michelle is a native Washingtonian, raised in Burien, a suburb of Seattle. She is a devoted, loving mother and grandmother. Her passion for unity of family runs deep. Her parents and family have since relocated to Wenatchee, Washington where Michelle spends much of her time. FAMILY IS LIFE and life abundant. Family is a glorious gift from God.
Michelle has a background of caring for people; 15 years Owning and Operating "Munchkids" a daycare/preschool. During this time she worked closely with CPS and KC Foster Care to provide children with a safe and loving environment in which to grow. Michelle became a huge advocate for children safety and welfare fighting to raise minimal standard practices and against laws that ended child assistance programs at the age of 12.
In 2013, Michelle had a change of directions, becoming involved with elderly and disabled. She obtained her HHC license through DOH in Washington State. Michelle has been self employed as a Hospice Provider since.
In 2014, Michelle was prompted by God to further her horizons. Lord asked will you go to Africa? She then traveled alone to Maputo, Mozambique. Upon arrival she was confronted by the overwhelming hopelessness of a nation struggling to recover from occupation and war.. Faced with the similar low care standards and laws for children she quickly realized that any child no obtaining acceptance into an orphanage prior to 12 years of age would have no hope.
To have change we must be willing to create change. Family of God Ministries was born to be that change.
FAMILY IS LIFE and life abundant, is a glorious gift from God. This is astounding truth...
If you hard-hearted, sinful men know how to give good gifts to your children, won’t your Father in heaven even more certainly give good gifts to those who ask him for them? “Do for others what you want them to do for you. This is the teaching of the laws of Moses. “Heaven can be entered only through the narrow gate! The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide enough for all the multitudes who choose
its easy way. But the Gateway to Life is small, and the road is narrow, only a few ever find it. “Beware of false teachers who come disguised as harmless sheep, but are wolves and will tear you apart. You can detect them by the way they act, just as you can identify a tree by its fruit.
Matt. 7:11-16
None of this is to say that things come easy, on the contrary,
life is a great gift, and eternal life, can only be found in the
choosing of Jesus Christ. There is only the question.
What will you choose?
Christ gave His life because of the great Love He has for you.
What will you do with this gift of love and life?
It is just as the Trees in the mans Orchard, there is much work
to grow and the harvest the best fruits. Yes, the fruit will grow without his attending to the needs however, to grow the abundance and the quality in life, it takes continual effort and choosing a path that looks very different from the world.
Love comes only through sacrifice. Does the world sacrifice for
you or does the world expect you to sacrifice yourself for it?
My true disciples produce bountiful harvests. This brings great glory to my Father. “I have loved you even as the Father has loved me.
Live within my love. When you obey me you are living in my love, just as I obey my Father and live in his love. I have told you this so that you will be filled with my joy. Yes, your cup of joy will overflow! I demand that you love each other as much as I love you.
And here is how to measure it—the greatest love is shown when a person lays down his life for his friends; and you are my friends if you obey me.
I no longer call you slaves, for a master doesn’t confide in his slaves; now you are my friends, proved by the fact that I have told you everything the Father told me.
My true disciples produce bountiful harvests. This brings great glory to my Father. “I have loved you even as the Father has loved me.
Live within my love. When you obey me you are living in my love, just as I obey my Father and live in his love. I have told you this so that you will be filled with my joy. Yes, your cup of joy will overflow! I demand that you love each other as much as I love you.