build a Family Home
Family of God Ministries is in the process of being formed in new ways. We are stepping out into a New Land of Opportunity. Hope is giving way and the bush (wilderness) is being tamed. In the process of building up
hands are opening, hearts finding hope, and minds are being freed.
Family of God Ministries is building lives One Brick at a time.
Access to food is vital to life. Survive is growing into Thrive! God commands us to be good stewards.
Family of God Ministries is growing about 25% of what we eat.
New Processes Underway - Drip Irrigation
and Deep Water Well with Solar Powered Pump.
We are teaching those
around us and revealing Christ's Love.
Come plant and sow with us.
Futbol for Jesus
Futbol for Jesus is about to begin. At 5pm praise, prayer and blessings begin, 5:30pm game time.
These games are not about who wins or looses, but about what team work looks like, what good sportsmanship is and how God has blessed us all with individual gifts and abilities. Building relationship within our bush community continues to open doors. Questions are being asked and conversations about God are building a solid foundation.