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Writer's pictureFamily of God Ministries

God's Steps to Farming

December 1, 2020

I would like to introduce Alice (A-lee-s.)

Alice was the first bush lady to come looking for ways to be involved with Family of God Ministries.

Alice's physical needs were daunting. She was so overwhelmed, many times she could only sit and cry.

Family of God Ministries sees each new person as a great opportunity, a blessing. Much like a new born baby is in great need, so are each of our precious new baby Christians.

Extreme poverty and lack of basic physical needs continue to be all around us, but hope is growing and changing lives. The Lord says we will always have the poor with us. (Matt 26:11) Family of God Ministries is of course helping with the physical needs, however, the heart and the spirit is the place we continue to focus our concentration. Through our Rough Riding Disciples there is a heart beat for Jesus that is beginning to rise up and grow a mighty harvest.

Alice (A-lee-s) is a shining example of why Family of God is growing so quickly. Her heart and life were broken from surviving without hope. Now two and a half years later Alice has a Savior and dreams that He has not only placed within her heart, but that are growing and alive.

This last Sunday, Alice spoke at Family of God Church about Abraham. Alice has a deep connection to his decision to place Isaac upon the alter and how he chose to trust in God no matter the cost! Alice sees the Father's heart for His son, but that He was not willing to withhold the sacrifice. By seeing what is behind the sacrifice each of us can stand strong in our time of growth. Her testimony was deep and stirring as she spoke of challenges she has personally endured. But the ways she views the sacrifices of giving her life to walk with Jesus is speaking to the other ladies she works beside. Her growing trust in God is seen daily. She speaks of God and radiates His light! Alice glows with a love for Christ that is impacting all those that know her.

She explained how her entire existence is different because of God's Son Jesus and His plan for her life. Alice is finding her identity in Jesus Christ! Her physical life has changed as she is learning to plant and grow gardens for herself and family, the necessity for good hygiene, and the need for good foundational working and family structures. Alice has a growing passion for Christ Jesus and through the weekly Family of God's Ladies Education Class, she is becoming one of our Rough Riding Disciples, a leader of women and children, loving mother and dear friend to all.


Jesus is alive and Alice is His precious, living fruit. If you plant good seeds then the harvest is bountiful. No farmer plants seeds and then leaves. He will always tend his garden, watering the dry places and provide shade clothes for the times when the hot sun will burn the tender shoots. This is how Family of God Ministries is teaching and growing others in the ways of Christ Jesus.


Backing UP a Bit...

August 31, 2020

Family of God Ministries proudly follows the Holy Spirit once again. We just placed a second order for fish eggs. We ordered 1000 eggs and they will arrive Sept. 4, 2020. The first batch of eggs, all 350 have hatched and are about 3" long. Who could imagine Fishing in the desert..... Only OUR Creating GOD.

**Please see previous post for complete update.**

Tank #2. 4 Tanks total - 2 each side by side 20 meters apart. Tank diameters 50 meters x 30 meters / 164 feet x 98 feet / 54.66 yards x 32.66 yards.

Family of God Ministries Update:

November 30, 2020

We just placed our 5th order for Red Fish Eggs. But now we are only ordering 700 eggs.

As we have been faithful so God has been faithful.

Miracles abound!! Each time the eggs are received we ask Lord for blessings over them. We ask Him to protect and multiply and He really does! Each egg is not just producing 1 fry (baby fish.) The Lord is multiplying these babies abundantly. Each egg is producing 3, 5, 7 or more babies!!!!

Tank #3 - October 30, 2020

As of October these juvenile fish have grown to about .80kg or (1.75 lbs.) Each is now longer than your hand. By the end of February 2021, each fish will be 3.5 - 4.5kg or ( 7 - 9.5 lbs.) and to think the Lord has multiplied the fry (baby fish) over and over and over again.

God's Side Note: Tank #3 is where we have placed our bigger fish to grow and tank 4 the harvesting tank. Mid September we noticed a few dead fish floating on the top of Tank #3. We followed the foot prints that had been left behind. This led us to investigate and found a young man (20ish.) As a result of our investigation, it was explained that a local pastor (teacher of old cultural religions - some call him a witch doctor) had become insecure saying we were stealing his church away. He gave the order to the boy to poison the fish.

Instead of involving the authorities or police, we asked the pastor and his group of boys to come to Family of God Ministries for a lunch and a time to meet one another. We blessed him and his boys with many vegetables from the farm and asked if he would return the following week. They gratefully accepted. This pastor and his group of young men have come 3 times now and are growing to understand that we are lovers of Jesus.

Family of God's Rough Riding Disciples are being used to change hearts and reveal the true love of Jesus. It was not the 50 or so dead fish that was the focus, that was only the scheme of the devil. It is the 20 or so lives and hearts that can be celebrated and the harvest that Christ Jesus is growing.

Only God can grow a harvest of fish and men in the desert and He does it so well!!!

Nov 15, 2020

With Jonaton as his teacher and mentor, Ferreira graduated Aquaculture school. He has received his completion certificate. This certificate is part of a licensing process Family of God Ministries has been working on with the Federal Government in Maputo, Mozambique.

We are in the final stage of obtaining our International Distribution License. All documents have been received by the Government. All fees have been paid. We are set for Family of God Ministries to receive our Distribution License Mid December 2020.

As part of this licensing process we will have license to sell any of our grown products. Family of God Ministries will be licensed to stamp and label any of our grown products such as Corn, Beans, Fish, Chickens, etc. Family of God Distribution - Made in Mozambique.


Back peddling a bit...

July, 2020

Family of God Ministries was suddenly offered to purchase 2 hectors (4.9 acres). This brought our total land to just under 10 acres. As a direct result of this amazing gift from God, Family of God Ministries was able to plow and plant 1.5 hectors (3.75 acres) of corn and beans.

After the plowing and sowing, we quickly realized that we needed irrigation! Our helpers need help.

August 2020

We must be the best stewards we can. After the irrigation Lord revealed that we had to be utilizing well all the land and the water He has provided. Waist nothing! Through prayer we began to understand that beans could be planted within the rows and the harvest would be far beyond what we could think or imagine!

Men have their thoughts and ways, but far beyond our thoughts and ways are Gods Plans.

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. “For just as the rain and snow come down from heaven, and do not return there without watering the earth, making it bring forth and sprout, yielding seed for the sower and bread for eating, so will my message be that goes out of my mouth— it won’t return to me empty. Instead, it will accomplish what I desire, and achieve the purpose for which I sent it. Isaiah 55:8-11

Family of God Ministries is preparing to harvest the corn field the end of January, 2021.

Harvesting corn, beans or fish is miraculous indeed. As I follow the leadings of Holy Spirit many times I feel crazy and unsure. But even with all the walking on water and faith filled plans Holy Spirit reveals, I know in my heart of hearts, I am designed by Him for just this time and season. I close my eyes and hold His mighty hand and step out of the boat. As I do so I hear His whispers in my heart, come to me as a little child, believe in Me and I will be your portion and your strength! I can take credit for none of what He is growing, only my willingness to be seen in the eyes of men as ___________. This is who I am and Jesus is who my Heart Loves.




December 23, 24, and 25, 2020

Family of God Ministries Baptisms

Let the Celebrations Begin!!

Beginning December 23, we will have 3 days of celebration as Family of God Ministries once again follows the Lord into the Komati River (Crocodile River.)

Excerpt from December 2019...

Put your faith in Christ and He will keep you from the Crocodiles...

On Christmas morning 2019, twelve of our beloved young leaders had made the decision to be baptized. The tank we were building was not yet complete, so the prayers began...

Baptizing, in the Komati River.

This means that newly born faith is immediately being stretched and put to the test. With every baptism we sent a lookout for the underwater monsters. All the while we knew we were standing beside Angles we had asked Lord to stand at guard...


Dec. 23, 2020 - Family of God will be used by Holy Spirit to Baptize between 10 - 15 Senior Adults.

Dec. 24, 2020 - Family of God will be used by Holy Spirit to Baptize between 16 - 30 Adults.

Dec. 25, 2020 - Family of God will be used by Holy Spirit to Baptize over 20 youths and young adults!!

As part of Family of God Ministries offerings and tithes to our Lord Jesus we will be giving a first fruits offering 250 of our best fish. In February this will be followed by an additional first fruits offering of the first 20 bags of maze and the first 15 bags of beans.

Family of God will be donating them to the bush community.

As the Lord blesses so Family of God Ministries is to bless. We will come together in celebration giving all the Praise to our Jesus!


Please join us in the celebration and Praise.

Give your Best Offering or Donation

100% of Your donations and offerings go into the mission field!

Year End Tax Deductible Donations and Offering Needs

Family of God Ministries is currently trying to build the necessary infrastructure to receive weekly trucks for delivery of Family of God Ministries Products.

The month of December Family of God Ministries is praying and in need of the following:

Funds to build a concrete platform 30m x 20m x 3m (100ft x 65ft x 9.5ft). $1,000

Funds to purchase a refrigerated truck container to freeze fish, $3,000

Large industrial scale. $1,000

200 plastic bins to hold fish. each $7 - 10

Mill for grinding corn into maze and flour $ 700

2500 burlap bags for maze, flour and bean sales. dozen $ 40

A Fish Processing Company from Zimbabwe is coming to inspect our production of fish December 20, 2020. We are praying to receive and sign the distribution contracts the end of January beginning of February 2021.

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Dec 01, 2020

Fish, Corn, Beans, Chickens, Oh my how well God is doing.

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