Over the past days and weeks Lord has been revealing His defining of life and life abundant. Satan comes to steal, to destroy, and to kill. But GOD not only restores and repays He gives life. He formed us, He created us and He loves us unconditionally. He sees not our skin color, He sees not our place of residence, He only sees us, His children. Whether or not we know Him, He knows each of us more intimately than we can think or imagine. He is the one that has placed within this moment of time. He has a strategic plan for everything in heaven and in earth. God's plans never fail for His plan is why each of us is here on His glorious earth today,
Before I was called to Mozambique Father had placed seeds within me that I never knew. When His appointed time arrived He breathed life upon these dormant seeds. Life burst forth and these seeds began to grow. Suddenly, without warning a new calling burst forth within my spirit and within my heart. Suddenly Africa was all consuming within me. Truthfully, prior to this miraculous event I barely knew where Africa was and Mozambique not at all. I knew Africa was a continent, but knew nothing more.
Now some 7 years later these small seeds have taken root and God is growing great fruit for His glory. This is not of myself, I have only been obedient. When He asked if I would go, my reaction was yes. Not knowing how answering with a yes would instantly change my life so completely. My inner child simply jumped with joy as the thought of making my Father happy. Taking my little childs hand, He simply smiles and looks down saying He was going to take me on a glorious adventure. What child would not was to take a great adventure with his/her father. Now God is birthing and raising up something wonderfully new and exciting simply because it was always part of His great plan.

As part of this adventure Lord asks me to share with you. I ask that you be willing to say yes and take the hand of your Father when He reaches out and asks you. Abundant life is what He longs to grow right through each of us, life and life abundant is the breath of God breathed upon seeds He has laying dormant within each of us. Let your inner child dance and sing with the joy of God as He breathes upon your spirit and heart.